Fem skäl till varför journalister bör delta i Hackathon
Många journalister är inte intresserade i programmering, eftersom de oftast har humanistisk bakgrund. Dessutom har journalister ofta inte möjlighet att arbeta direkt med utvecklare och designer....
View ArticleOpen Knowledge Sweden is going to a Media Innovation Hackathon from Al Jazeera!
Al Jazeera, together with the platform Canvas organizes an inaugural hackathon entitled “Media in Context“. Designers, developers, media experts, journalists and people with a passion for social...
View ArticleNewsletter: Join Nordic Open Data Week in Göteborg 30/5
Participate in Hackathon and compete! Photo: Wikimedia Hackathon 2013, Amsterdam by Sebastiaan ter Burg CC BY 2.0 Do you want to be involved in developing new smart services? Do you want to take part...
View ArticleCall to Hack for Sweden!
Hack for Sweden is a competition and an unique collaboration between 23 Swedish authorities and organisations. The challenge for the participants in this hackathon is to make the use of open data...
View ArticleOpen Knowledge Sweden releases Contact Details to Swedish Public Bodies as...
Yesterday Aylin shared a text about the upcoming yearly returning hackathon in Sweden run by Swedish authorities called “Hack For Sweden”, this year taking place in March 2016. Although more and more...
View ArticleOpen Knowledge Sweden partners up to support DiploHack Stockholm 2016!
Diplohack Stockholm 2016: Sustainable development of a Smart Government – a gathering of diplomats, devs and designers to make EU Open Data a citizens’ friend Impact Hub Stockholm and The Embassy of...
View ArticleFem skäl till varför journalister bör delta i Hackathon
Många journalister är inte intresserade i programmering, eftersom de oftast har humanistisk bakgrund. Dessutom har journalister ofta inte möjlighet att arbeta direkt med utvecklare och designer....
View ArticleOpen Knowledge Sweden is going to a Media Innovation Hackathon from Al Jazeera!
Al Jazeera, together with the platform Canvas organizes an inaugural hackathon entitled “Media in Context“. Designers, developers, media experts, journalists and people with a passion for social...
View ArticleNewsletter: Join Nordic Open Data Week in Göteborg 30/5
Participate in Hackathon and compete! Photo: Wikimedia Hackathon 2013, Amsterdam by Sebastiaan ter Burg CC BY 2.0 Do you want to be involved in developing new smart services? Do you want to take part...
View ArticleCall to Hack for Sweden!
Hack for Sweden is a competition and an unique collaboration between 23 Swedish authorities and organisations. The challenge for the participants in this hackathon is to make the use of open data...
View ArticleOpen Knowledge Sweden releases Contact Details to Swedish Public Bodies as...
Yesterday Aylin shared a text about the upcoming yearly returning hackathon in Sweden run by Swedish authorities called “Hack For Sweden”, this year taking place in March 2016. Although more and more...
View ArticleOpen Knowledge Sweden partners up to support DiploHack Stockholm 2016!
Diplohack Stockholm 2016: Sustainable development of a Smart Government – a gathering of diplomats, devs and designers to make EU Open Data a citizens’ friend Impact Hub Stockholm and The Embassy of...
View ArticleInbjudan till Hack4Heritage – Välkommen att skapa där kulturarvet möter...
Hack4Heritage är ett kreativt event och hack där fokus ligger på öppna kulturarvsdata och andra öppna kulturarvsresurser. Under fredagkvällen och hela helgen den 14-16 oktober blir Stockholms...
View ArticleInvite to Hack4Heritage – Welcome to create where cultural heritage meets...
Hack4Heritage is a creative event and hack with focus on open cultural heritage data and content. Between the 14th and the 16th of October, the Stockholm City Archives turns into a meeting place where...
View ArticlePåminnelse: Inbjudan till Hack4Heritage 2016 – skapa kreativt med kulturarvet...
Välkommen att anmäla dig! Hack4Heritage är ett kreativt event och hack där fokus ligger på öppna kulturarvsdata och andra öppna kulturarvsresurser. Under fredagkvällen och hela helgen den 14-16 oktober...
View ArticleFem skäl till varför journalister bör delta i Hackathon
Många journalister är inte intresserade i programmering, eftersom de oftast har humanistisk bakgrund. Dessutom har journalister ofta inte möjlighet att arbeta direkt med utvecklare och designer....
View ArticleOpen Knowledge Sweden is going to a Media Innovation Hackathon from Al Jazeera!
Al Jazeera, together with the platform Canvas organizes an inaugural hackathon entitled “Media in Context“. Designers, developers, media experts, journalists and people with a passion for social...
View ArticleNewsletter: Join Nordic Open Data Week in Göteborg 30/5
Participate in Hackathon and compete! Photo: Wikimedia Hackathon 2013, Amsterdam by Sebastiaan ter Burg CC BY 2.0 Do you want to be involved in developing new smart services? Do you want to take part...
View ArticleCall to Hack for Sweden!
Hack for Sweden is a competition and an unique collaboration between 23 Swedish authorities and organisations. The challenge for the participants in this hackathon is to make the use of open data...
View ArticleOpen Knowledge Sweden releases Contact Details to Swedish Public Bodies as...
Yesterday Aylin shared a text about the upcoming yearly returning hackathon in Sweden run by Swedish authorities called “Hack For Sweden”, this year taking place in March 2016. Although more and more...
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